Friday 4 November 2011


This was a aftereffcts tutorial using mask's. i am struggling a little with aftereffects as it's a little complex.

Friday 21 October 2011

DJ Brick Top

This was an interesting lesson, as i have tried to use this program using tutorials off youtube and it's so much easier to have it shown to you in a lesson. I found that with Aftereffects you can quickly create different effects effectively. I think it will take a couple of lesson before i completely understand how to use it but I thought we covered a lot in the first lesson which was good!

Friday 14 October 2011

Keep Out

This lesson I found quite useful as it gave me a better understanding of putting things into groups on the layer window. Also how you create the same shadow on different images. Also how you can turn type into a shape so you can do different things with it, such as using the rubber tool to make it look warn away.

My Weekend, Rode my bike to the trainstation, where I got the train to Bath and had a BBQ.

I was actually quite surprised with this lesson as I thought Photoshop pretty well but i didn't know a few simple things that were shown, such as with the magic wand you can inverse, to select what you haven't selected. Using images from the Internet I tried to sum up my weekend by creating the layers and using refine edges tool to make it all smooth as shown. Apart from the images being a low quality this has turned out OK!